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发布时间:2012-09-18  作者:企划部  浏览数:1306 来源:山姆公司

RoHS 2.0(2011/65/EU)指令于2011年7月20日生效,并将于2013年1月2日前转化为欧盟成员国各国法律。电功能为第一功能的玩具已属于RoHS 1.0指令管控下的第7类产品,其安全要求没有因RoHS2.0的实施而受到影响。

RoHS 2.0 entered into force on Jul 20,2011, and will transfer to EU states legal before Jan 2,2013.Electrical toys that the first function is electric function had been cataloged in the seventh products in the RoHS1.0and will be implemented from  January 2, 2013, but their safety requirements don’t affect as the implementation of RoHS 2.0.


Main change:
Toys with minor electrical functions (such as singing function of plush toys) had been cataloged in the eleventh products in the RoHS2.0, and the execution time is on July 22, 2019 for this products.


Recent news:
At present, European commission entrusted BIO Intelligence Service created a document that “Measures to be implemented and additional impact assessment with regard to scope change, pursuant to the new ROHS directive”, Toys with minor function were cataloged in the seventh products in the document. According to this document, all of the electric toys will satisfy RoHS2.0 directive from January 2, 2013.


How to correctly understand the difference that toys with minor function belong to what kind of products between BIO Intelligence Service and RoHS 2.0. CTI will immediate attention latest trends about the directive requirements, in order to help electric toys manufacturers get ready in advance.


RoHS2.0 is in charge of the hazardous substances of lead,cadmium, mercury, chromium(VI), PBBs and PBDEs, in addition, HBCDD, BBP, DBP, DEHP will be included in the restricted list.